If you`re planning on renting a property in Kerala, it`s important to familiarize yourself with the state`s rent agreement rules. These regulations are in place to protect both the landlord and the tenant, and failing to follow them can lead to legal trouble down the line.

First and foremost, all rental agreements in Kerala must be in writing. This means that verbal agreements are not legally binding and won`t hold up in court. The agreement should clearly outline the terms and conditions of the tenancy, including the monthly rent, the duration of the lease, and any additional fees or charges.

Next, both the landlord and the tenant must sign the rental agreement. This is to ensure that both parties are aware of the terms and have agreed to abide by them. It`s also a good idea to have the agreement witnessed by a third-party to provide additional evidence in case of a dispute.

One important rule to be aware of in Kerala is the cap on security deposits. Landlords are only allowed to collect a maximum of three months` rent as a security deposit. Additionally, this deposit must be returned to the tenant at the end of the lease period, provided there is no damage to the property and all rent and utility bills have been paid in full.

Another key aspect of Kerala`s rent agreement rules is the time frame for rent increases. Landlords are only allowed to increase the rent once every two years, and the increase must be based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the area. It`s important to note that any increase must be reasonable and cannot be used to unfairly raise the rent.

Finally, the rental agreement should include provisions for eviction. Kerala law requires landlords to provide a notice period before evicting a tenant, and this period may vary depending on the reason for eviction. For example, if the tenant has failed to pay rent, the notice period is 15 days. However, if the landlord needs the property for personal use, the notice period is 90 days.

In summary, if you`re planning to rent a property in Kerala, it`s essential to understand the state`s rent agreement rules. Make sure to get everything in writing, sign and witness the agreement, and follow the regulations for security deposits, rent increases, and eviction. By doing so, you`ll be protecting yourself and ensuring a smooth tenancy.