The Museo Minerario (Mining Museum) is located in Piazza Garibaldi, 14.  Managed by the Associazione Miniere Sogliano, the museum contains minerals, old publications and manuscripts, and equipment relative to the three important mines that were active near Sogliano in the 18th century in the villages of Capannaccio, Montegelli and Montetiffi.  The permanent exhibit is supplemented by a display of photographs from the era and by an old tufa quarry directly connected to the museum.  The association has published a book entitled “L’eco della miniera” (“The Echo of the Mine”) by Marco Pellegrini and Pier Raffaele Palmi, the fruit of seven years of research.


Free admission guided visits for groups are possible by calling the following number: 0541-948409;  or visiting:



Galleria fotografica