The WUFA Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are a faculty member at the University of Windsor, chances are you are covered by the WUFA collective agreement. This agreement is the result of negotiations between the university administration and the Windsor University Faculty Association (WUFA), which represents over 1,000 faculty members.

The WUFA collective agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for faculty members at the University of Windsor. It covers such areas as salaries, benefits, workload, promotions, and job security.

One of the key benefits of the WUFA collective agreement is that it provides job security for faculty members. Under the agreement, tenure-track faculty members are entitled to a lengthy probationary period during which they can establish themselves as productive scholars and teachers. Once they have successfully completed this period, they are entitled to tenure, which means they cannot be dismissed without just cause.

In addition to job security, the WUFA collective agreement provides for competitive salaries and benefits. Faculty members are paid according to a salary scale that is based on their rank and years of service. They also receive a comprehensive benefits package that includes health, dental, vision, and life insurance.

Another important aspect of the WUFA collective agreement is workload. The agreement sets out a workload formula that takes into account factors such as teaching load, research expectations, and service responsibilities. This formula helps to ensure that faculty members are not overburdened with work and have sufficient time to meet their obligations in all areas of their work.

Promotions are also covered by the WUFA collective agreement. The agreement sets out clear criteria and procedures for promotion, so faculty members know what is required of them to advance in rank. This helps to ensure that promotions are based on merit and not on arbitrary factors.

In conclusion, if you are a faculty member at the University of Windsor, the WUFA collective agreement is an important document that affects your employment. It provides for job security, competitive salaries and benefits, reasonable workload expectations, and clear criteria for promotions. Knowing your rights and obligations under the agreement can help you to navigate your career at the university and ensure that your interests are protected.